Muhammad Hazim bin Mohd Hairay, 19-years-old
“With many small steps, I can and will find my way to bigger and better things down the road ahead”



When you go from a regular, active teenager to one whose life completely changes overnight to a journey of continuous recovery, it can be challenging to adapt. 

When I was 16-years-old, I met with a motorcycle accident that caused me to experience traumatic brain injury. I was in ICU for 26 days. That’s almost a month of laying in bed with tubes coming out of me, instead of standing proud with the medals I would win around my neck from all the sporting tournaments I would take part in.

When I was finally able to get out of bed, and begin my rehabilitation therapy, it was not just a fight to regain normal movement in my arms and legs, but to stay positive. That was the greatest hurdle for me — to keep a mindset that was strong so that my body could be strong again too. 



I was lucky though. I still am, because of the people around me. My family and my rehab team always remind me of the progress I have not only made, but the progress I can continue to achieve with hard work, even when I feel like I can’t. 

There was a day not long after I regained my ability to walk again, with assistance of course. I was gazing out the window and saw people walking about freely, at their own pace, going places they wanted. Seeing this broke my spirit and I remember asking my father why I couldn’t be like them anymore. He looked at me and said that I could, all it would need was a bit of time. His words comforted me, and gave me hope. But more than that, it made me realise that as long as I stay committed to my recovery, anything is possible. 



Just like playing the guitar, which I thought I would never be able to do again. Being able to pick one up and strum my favourite songs is therapeutic for me. In fact, guitar playing is part of my rehabilitation therapy! During my sessions with my occupational therapist, I get to, for an hour at least, feel like I’m jamming (even though there is no full band). 

Small things like this have made a big difference to me, and remind me that with many small steps, I can and will find my way to bigger and better things down the road ahead.



To find out more about the rehabilitation team in Hazim’s story, visit

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